Worldwide Wind and Weather Forecast is a weather application offered by Windy Weather World Inc. It has more than a million downloads on the Play Store. Get the detailed weather forecast with wind speed, direction, wind gust, air temperature, currents speed & direction, wave heights, water temperature, and a lot more details from all around the world.
Overview of is an Android weather application that provides all the information about the weather of the next 10 days of any part of the world to the users. It helps a lot when we know what the weather’s gonna be like. We can prepare for a lot of things in advance like carrying umbrellas if it’s gonna rain or getting our gear ready for surfing, skating, fishing, sailing, yachting, snowkiting, etc. Yes, knowing about the current or air’s speed & direction, temperature, precipitation, gusts, swells, etc. helps in sports too. It comes with a map, satellite, and hybrid view modes. It includes GFS27, ICON13, ECMWF, WRF8, HRRR, and NAM weather models.
User-Friendly Interface
It has a user-friendly interface. It has four options: Home, World Map, Tips & Profile on the bottom bar. On the home screen, it shows various sections for wind archive maps, favorite spots, community & nearest spots. On the world map, it displays the world map with selected spots and icons & colored parts based on the selected parameter such as wind speed, wind gusts, swells, precipitation, etc. It has a search icon at the top right corner to search for any sport or weather station. Profile button opens up the menu or you can swipe right from the left side of the screen on the homescreen to do it. You can manage your profile & settings and access other options like support pages.
Use Sports or Casual Mode
It comes with two forecast modes: Sports and Casual. In the causal forecast mode, it shows the basic details about the weather like wind speed, direction, air temperature, and atmospheric pressure. In the sports mode, it shows more parameters & details based on the selected sports. It includes profiles for sailing, kiting, windsurfing, fishing, surfing, air kiting, snowkiting & biking.
Create Your Custom Profile
You can also create a custom profile with your selected forecast parameters in It has so many parameters and you can choose the weather model too. It has wind gusts, wind speed, bicycle riding temperature, air temperature, temperature comparison, precipitation compare chart, pressure comparison, feels like temperature, relative humidity, freezing level & chart, atmospheric pressure at sea level, UV index, currents direction with icons, currents direction in degrees & radians, currents speed, swell height & period, swell size & direction, tidal chart, water temperature, clouds, weather condition icon, deviation, rain & snow chart, moon rise/set and many other parameters.
MOD Version of
The MOD version of the has the following features.
Premium Unlocked – The premium subscription is unlocked.